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HomeHiggs Farm

Higgs Farm

Our High Altitude Field

Higgs Farm

250 Ell Downes Road

Church Hill, MD 21640

Launch Site Info:

  • Please note Max Altitude Limits
  • Max Altitude only in ideal conditions. Limits subject to change at anytime due to weather as well as the discretion of the BoD and/or Tripoli Prefect for any reason.
  • Please contact the BoD via our Special Projects form if you plan to fly 6,000ft or higher.
  • Max Impulse class allowed: “N” motors/Complex “M”.
  • Launches usually run from 9am-4pm Saturday and 9AM-3:30PM Sunday.
  • Help with setup and/or take down on is appreciated and volunteers are always needed.
  • Launch Fees for both days are $10 for MDRA members.
  • Spectators may watch for free.
  • We have plenty of pads, rods and rails of varying sizes to get your rocket in the air.


Maximum Allowed Altitude at MDRA Higgs Farm Site As of Nov 22, 2024

  • The max allowed altitude is determined by two independent factors, the FAA Waiver and FAR 101.25(g). Whichever is lower is the governing altitude.
  • The FAA Waiver altitude is set by the proximity to nearby airfields and air traffic corridors, etc. In addition, ground launch operation restrictions are determined by proximity to the nearest habitable dwelling not associated with launch operations.
  • The MDRA FAA Waiver is granted at 16,900ft above ground level.

However, due to the distance measured from launch pads to the nearest habitable dwelling (that is not associated with flight operations), MDRA must limit flights to those listed in the table below.

  • Flights above 6,000ft dual deploy, 4,000ft, single deploy and all School/University flights will require BoD approval and Sim data. 
  • To get approval, please fill out the Special Projects Form

Higgs Farm Recovery Zone

  • Rockets coming to rest outside of the green boundaries will require permission before recovery.
  • Please honor the landowner and seek a MDRA BOD member before venturing outside of these boundaries

Other Launch Info

This is a rocket launch, enter at own risk. You are responsible for your own safety.

  • Tune in to 88.9 FM in you car radio for flights in progress.
  • Please STAY on the road.
  • Please drive slowly on the dirt road to the field.
  • Please be aware of children and adults retrieving rockets.
  • Park ONLY in designated parking areas (green areas.)
  • Absolutely no vehicles in the fields.
  • Questions are always welcomed at the registration/RSO tables.

Field GPS coordinates:

N 39 deg 4.7125 min – W 75 deg 52.58075 min

From the Baltimore/Washington area, take US 50 east across the

Bay Bridge. After 9 miles MD 301 splits from US 50. Follow MD 301 north to

MD 405 (Price, Maryland). Turn right (south) on MD 405 and go about 2 miles

and turn left onto Murphy Road. Follow Murphy to the “T” intersection

with Roe-Ingleside Road. Turn left onto Roe-Ingleside Road. Go about 1/4 mile

and turn right onto Bridgetown Road. Continue about 1/2 mile and turn left onto

Ell Downes Road. Turn in at the first driveway on your left.

From points North: Take 95 south to the Rt 896 exit (last exit before toll.) Follow signs to 301 south through Middletown DE. Pass into MD after about 17 miles. After passing Pfalzgroft Road get in left lane. Make next left onto 544. Follow to the end, About 200 yards then right at stop sign to 313 south. Pass through Sudlersville, through Barclay (last place to eat at RR tracks in Barclay.) After about 4+ miles from Barclay make HARD right onto Ell Downes Rd. Second driveway is the field.