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HomeCentral Sod Farm


Our three season field.


Central Sod Farms

920 John Brown Road

Centreville, Maryland 21617

Launch Site Info:

  • The suggested maximum altitude is 3,000’ AGL due to the proximity of trees.
  • Any flights above this altitude must be pre-approved by the MDRA BoD.
  • Max altitude subject to change at any moment (even if pre-approved) based on weather or for any reason by the MDRA BoD and/or Tripoli Prefect.
  • Please notify us by using the special projects form.
  • The launch will run from ~12pm-5pm Saturday and ~9am-3:30pm Sunday.
  • Help with setup and/or take down on is appreciated. Volunteers always needed.
  • DO NOT arrive before 11:30AM on a Saturday.
  • Launch Fees for both days are $10 for MDRA members.
  • Spectators may watch for free.
  • Our field size can handle up to 24 pads.

Launch Site Specifics

  • This is a rocket launch, enter at own risk. You are responsible for your own safety.
  • Please STAY on the road and do not exceed speed limit of 10 MPH
  • Please be aware of children and adults retrieving rockets.
  • Please NOTE the above ground irrigation pipes on the left while entering the farm.
  • Park ONLY in designated parking areas (green areas.)
  • Absolutely no vehicles in the fields.
  • Bring sunscreen, plenty to drink, and your own food.
  • Questions are always welcomed at the registration/RSO tables.


Recovery Zones

  • Rockets coming to rest outside of the white boundaries will require permission before recovery.
  • Please honor the landowner and seek permission from a MDRA BOD member before venturing outside of these boundaries.
  • If you are unsure if the location your rocket landed is on the property ALWAYS ask before going on recovery.

Field GPS coordinates:

N 39 deg 0.0266 min   –   W 76 deg 6.3488 min

From the Baltimore/Washington area, take US 50 east across the

Bay Bridge. After 9 miles MD 301 splits from US 50. Follow MD 301 north to

fourth blinking yellow light. Turn right on John Brown Road and go about1/4 mile

and turn right on to a dirt road (pass house). Follow this past the house and buildings, then

turn right at the end of the buildings, 300 yards on the right is where you should see

us parked.